Tuesday, February 24, 2009

(sorry for all the emails, guys, I'm still learning this blog thing.  I'll be more careful)

320 hands,  43/27/2.33 + 40BB

Dropped 2 buyins early, then cleaned up on the table.  Sick, sick poker.  I was begging them to call me, seriously and literally.  This all looks pretty sloppy, but it really wasn't.  The big hands I lost were while I was running bad, early.    The late stuff was controlled, I think.  When I was really wide open,  I had such control of the table, they really couldn't lay a glove on me.

-81bbs. J8 vs KT.  We both got there.  1 buyin gone.
-40 bbs. ran into a set of dueces.  
-40bb.  3 bet AJo + cbet from sb, fold to reraise.  Looks like a move that ran into a hand.
-26bb.  2 barrel bluff.  Folded river.

+91bbs - Pretty wild.  My bluff caught a pair of 9's.  lol.  98o vs K7.  He flopped a 7.  Goofy.
+83bbs - A7s vs QQ.  Flopped nut flush draw.  Got lucky.
+53bbs - hero call / A high.  He had 42o and called 2 big bets and tried to buff his way out. 
+35bbs - 33 vs AJo.  Set.  He turned a Jack and went nuts.  well, because of my image for sure.
+21bbs - AQo.   Bluffed the turn.
+13bbs - KTo.   I folded out the worst hand on the river.

I made 2 hero calls with A high, both times right.  I won't post the hands, since that would just be bragging.  The second one was a little funny.
He sez:  How can you call, a 2 beats you.
I say: Yes, you could be bluffing with the best hand, but you were bluffing.

What can I say.  I was on my game last night.  Too bad I didn't make any money.  Well, I did win my 2 buyins back, so that's something.

"Come On.  I'm raising 40% of my hands.  Fight Back! "  lol

LAG can be seriously fun sometimes.

I feel my comeupance coming. Pride goeth before the fall.

Here's my thought for the day.  

It's really fun to run over tables.  It's good for the ego, but I keep playing just for that reason.  There is no longer any easy money to be made.  I created a table of people waiting to trap me.  While it is hard to do, since their bets just screams MONSTER, all I am really playing for is coolers now.  I'm in the same spot as a TAG.  Swapping chips, hoping to be on the good side of a cooler.

I need to downshift!  Tighten up abruptly, and let my image earn me some money.  Can I be ego-free enough to do this?  Can I just release my greasy grip on the table, let someone else take control, and wait for a good spot and loose action?

These sessions often get out of hand.  This is where I start spewing.  I think it might be a very good idea to adjust down in these spots, even though I am having so much fun.  So, let's let that be the project for the week.  I certainly can shift from low to high.  Can I shift from high to low, without losing a big pot?  

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